NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education


/ #329

2016-09-28 06:22

I am angry that lazy rioting thugs who are of no use to the upliftment of our country's future, can violate the rights of others, plunder, terrorize, burn down, destroy in whatever manner EVERYTHING that already exists to provide a good education. There are MANY students of ALL races who have to work more than one job while studying, in order to afford to pay their fees. The protest should have been handled in a more controlled manner by the NMMU authorities..... There is NO doubt in my mind that many of the thugs were part of rent-a-crowd and were actually not even students. I am also of the opinion that many of those who rioted, vandalized and destroyed buildings and property, actually have bursaries or scholarships. ENOUGH! Arrest them and lock them up. Deny them further education because they have clearly shown that they are not deserving thereof. Expel them from attending any other tertiary institution in this country. NMMU ....... YOUR AUTHORITIES AND PEOPLE IN POSITIONS OF MANAGEMENT ARE WEAK AND FAR TOO EASILY MANIPULATED. TIME FOR CHANGE!!! OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW!