NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education


/ #517

2016-09-29 04:13

This is the second year protest action is intetfering with my son's education. Last year he managed to graduate but had to reregister for a subject to obtain, the prerequisite 60% to do masters. As a result his father threatened to take away his maintenance but after a fight he aggreed to pay the maintenance but with no adjustment. That has a significant impact on his ability to produce quality work since he has to buy materials for models and do copious amounts of printing of panels for presentatoon panels. He doesn't qualify for any aid schemes. His father earns too much. I cannot help due to being underpaid and we are struggling financially since his father lives in Dubai and doesn't really care about what happens to his kids... We litetally cannot afford another year like this. It is demoralising. It is damaging the credibility of our whole education system and the employability of our children. We all had to pay for our education. Sometimes at great cost to our families. I had to pay off loans to two institutions and I lived through it. The so - called white priviledged was not that priviledged.