free Rod Rollness

Jesse Smash

/ #12 Re: thank you

2020-06-01 20:38

#4: - thank you 

As a long time fan and gigantic admirer of the club, I do not believe Rod committed this crime. The cops dont have shit against him like what the Hell are they thinking? I look at Rod's family photo on here and I see a loving devoted father and husband that loves his kids, his wife, his bikes, and definitely his brothers too. EVERY time I've ever passively ran into a charter on the street or something, they have ALWAYS treated me equally, as if they've known me for years. I come across Alberta charter from time to time (cuz I live there and party at some of the venues they operate and frequent, such as Diamonds and New City), and I've been shown nothing but love from the members. All you kickass heroes wearing the skull and wings on your back are fighting for the freedoms, liberties, and opportunities I'm sure we all crave in this shattered up world of chaos and madness. My utmost love, respect, and compassion is going to you Rod, as well as your entire family. Stay strong in there bud. You're always in my thoughts! God bless you! Thank you for changing my outlook on life, which is something I'll never be able to pay back. 

Your admirer until the end of day and beyond,


Jesse William Bellringer

CANADA          eh?