
/ #2888

2011-12-13 21:16

Please stop this atrocious act. Why would you want to destroy a farm land full of cows, nice buildings and temple and a community of hundreds? All they want to do is chant and be happy and to protect animals. Why on earth would you want to stop this? Imagine if you do close the temple, it would make people's lives much harder and would stop people from being happy and building a connection with God. Now whether you disagree with our faith, is another question but all we want to do is be happy, build our relationship with God and to do farming and protect the nature. This is all we want to do. I do not see why you would want to commit this act. It really makes me feel upset and disrespected and really feel down. Please stop me from not being happy and thousands all over the world. The whole movement across the world is astonished of why would you this so please just make people thousands of people happy and please DO NOT CLOSE THE TEMPLE! I will be so happy if you do not close it but I would be so upset and disappointed if you did. Act upon this now and please do not perform this horrible act in my opinion and thousands of other peoples opinion.