Petition to restore TFX tokens to minimum USDT value with immediate effect


/ #13 Re:

2023-01-24 03:57

#12: -  

True. I never once invest unit trust after what happened to my mom. She had to surrender coz can't afford to lose any more money. All her hardwork money more than 50% all gone. Can't even file any report. I gave a try the min I know about this platform, we have family business but y' know not every biz can earn 70% per year after renovation and capital when it comes to new biz.We put some here to generate extra to cover up losses in biz. During pandemic, this platform helped us a lot. So hopefully this platform will recover and the best is to stop taking new investment to join, they don't understand how the platform runs and keep on calling this as scammer. I just treat this as my side business. You need $$ to run a new biz, but not every biz can earn 100% after minus all the expenses, some biz even loss profit. If you're worried you can't get back your money, then please avoid this platform, this platform does not suit you.