Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #32012011-12-19 05:21First Heartfelt Effusion My dear Lordships Shri Shri Radha-Shyamasundara! Crying at the lotus feet of Shri Guru, one very fallen and destitute soul humbly offers to You the following unrestrained stream of prayerful outpourings for Your kind and considerate audience. My dear beloved Lordships! Let me have not only this one body with only one head upon which are placed only two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, and one mouth in which I find only this one pathetic tongue. Let me have not only this one dead body upon which I find only one clumsy cranium wherein we may assume there be at least one exiguous lump of dull brain stuff. Let me have not only this one frail figure from which extend only two sluggish legs and two feeble arms with no more than one leisurely hand on the end of each. Let me be not only this single insignificant someone with but this one heart, one life, and one sub-atomic soul to dedicate most inadequately to Your urgently required large-scale distribution of transcendental literatures. If You wish to offer me any benediction, then please let me have hundreds and thousands, nay, even millions and billions of stout and strong bodies, either all at once or one after another or both. On each body let me have hundreds, thousands, even millions of heads, each with hundreds of eyes and noses, thousands of ears, and millions of mouths, each endowed with billions of fabulously fortunate tongues. Moreover, let me have trillions of most capable brains and innumerable hale, hardy, and enthusiastic legs, arms, hands, hearts, and happy selves to fully dedicate to the earnest service of Your ministrative task of worldwide transcendental book distribution. What is the use of a soul who cannot expand into thousands of beings, each having millions of bodies? What is the use of having million of bodies if each body doesn’t have billions of heads? What is the use of each body having billions of heads if each head doesn’t have trillions of brains and trillions of mouths with trillions of gracious tongues in each? What is the use of having trillions of brains if each brain doesn’t command quadrillions of intelligences with which to find the novel ways and means to drop zillions of transcendental time-bomb books into the laps of the fallen conditioned souls? What is the use of having innumerable legs, arms, hands, hearts, lives, and geniuses if everyone and everything is not solely dedicated to the service of Your mission to inundate the whole planet with zillions upon zillions of transcendental literatures eulogizing Your unlimited names, forms, qualities, and pastimes in Your limitlessly divine supramundane realm of eternity, knowledge, and bliss – Shri Vrindavana-dhama? My dear Shri Shri Radhe-Shyama! What is the use of having innumerable hands, each distributing transcendental literatures by the billions and trillions, if as an outcome of it all, not even one soul becomes Your fully self-realized, pure, unalloyed kevala-madhurya-premika devotee? What is the use of billions of brains scheming to optimize the printing and proliferative dissemination of billions upon trillions of transcendental literatures if even one soul with even only one body with merely one head with but a single mouth with just the one tongue could not even come to the position of, at least even just only but once, relishing the immortal nectar of Your pure Holy Name (shuddha-nama) which is fully inclusive of Your sublime, internal spiritual potencies? What would be the use of distributing millions upon billions upon trillions of sublime rasa-saturated scriptures if, as a result of all the hustle and bustle, not even one soul attains the fruit of vraja-prema, vastu-siddhi, the ultimate perfection of gaining Krishna’s direct shelter in the bhauma-lilas as a follower of the damsels of Vrindavana, beyond the hope against hope suppositional domain of wishful thinking? If as a consequence of distributing countless billions of Your transcendental literatures one could not ultimately realize the perfection of one’s sthayi-bhava in one of the five primary rasas befitting Your loving service in the beautiful land of Vraja, what would be the actual accomplishment? What a folly if, while incessantly promulgating hundreds of thousands upon billions, trillions, or even innumerable quadrillions of small, medium, big, and maha big books to boot for billions of lifetimes, one does not bother to advance one’s internal devotional eligibility (adhikara) in Krishna consciousness to triumphantly deserve entree into Your bhauma-lilas for the real attainment of one’s sac-cid-ananda- siddha-deha as a vraja-gopa or gopi! What a perfidy if, by broadcasting countless volumes and volumes of transcendental scriptures, not even one thoughtful book distributor could fortunately gain the essential penetrating insight to deeply discover the esoteric truths behind the black (Krishna) letters on all those white (Radha) pages! To what avail are millions of bodies with millions upon billions upon trillions of heads, eyes, ears, noses, mouths, tongues, brains, feet, legs, arms, and hands – all simultaneously serving to distribute millions upon billions upon trillions upon quadrillions of unlimited transcendental literatures all over the world, nay, all over the universe, anywhere and everywhere, immediately and incessantly forevermore – if even one pure- hearted book distributor could not verily gain, by mature, intensified hari-nama-bhajana-ruci, the momentous realization that, in truth, our only real business is to sit in Your holy lands of Mayapura and Vrindavana and constantly chant Your self- same prema-nama? What is the use of it all, if we don’t recognize that the purpose of our book distribution is to encourage as many others as possible to become pure-hearted, fully self-realized niskincana bhajananandis who are the fittest to propagate the Holy Name by their ecstatic performances of prema-nama- sankirtana which forever stands as the only true jaiva-dharma of every jiva soul without exception? What would be the use of it all, if we could not become factually freed from the insanity of not clearly knowing who we really are in terms of the intricacies of our ultimate, intrinsic, eternal spiritual identity (vraja-svarupa)? What would be the use, if no one could become enlightened beyond the very vague notion of being a transmigrating, ten-thousandth-of-a-hair-tip, subatomic brahman particle floating around on the life airs of a temporary, therapeutically engaged, superficially designated, rotting corpselike defecating bag of bones masquerading as a so-called man, woman, brahmacari, grihastha, sannyasi, vantashi, brahmana, ksatriya, pot washer, pujari, temple president, G.B.C., guru, devotee, or even (hold my tongue) eminently exalted book distributor? My dear Lordships! What is the use of constructing hundreds and thousands of pompously opulent temples, worshiping thousands and millions of grandiosely ornamented Deities, distributing umteenzillions of books, (mis)managing millions and billions of bucks, filling billions and trillions of bellies, and congregating a society of hundreds of thousands of semi-conscious squabbling neophytes, if even one soul amidst the menagerie could not ultimately achieve the supremely privileged maid-service of the treasures of Your lotus feet as You endlessly enjoy Your transcendental nikunja-lilas in Your eternally resplendent realm of Vraja-dhama? My dearmost beloved Lordships Shri Shri Radhe-Shyama! If, however, as a result of all such laborious efforts even just one fortunate soul could somehow or other by Your unbounded special causeless mercy finally, even if after billions and trillions of lifetimes of devotional struggle, attain that most cherished goal of life, then by all means, please let there be thousands and millions of “brihat-mridanga” printing presses, each producing millions and billions of transcendental literatures describing Your unlimited names, forms, qualities, and madhurya-lilas in the sweetest of all sweetest lands, Shri Vrindavana-dhama. If in the last, even just a single person consequently becomes Your consummately pure unalloyed vraja-gopa or gopi, serving to further exhilarate Your already limitlessly expanding ocean of transcendental bliss, then let thousands and millions of transcendental book distributors each with billions of intelligences find trillions of newer and newer innovative methods of inducing quadrillions of conditioned souls to take to the process of hearing pure, nectarean Krishna-katha. My dear beloved Shyamasundara! You are the ultimate impetus behind all events in the three worlds. Please let hundreds of thousands of book distributors each distribute by the millions and billions while tolerating all types of tribulations if in due course even one of them can come to clearly realize by practical experience the integral correlation between the external activity of propagating Krishna consciousness in the world and the internal culture of the selfless bhavas of the vraja- gopis, who relish ten million times the happiness of their own meetings with You by making the arrangements for others to get the happy chance to have Your delightful company. Let thousands and millions of externally oriented prakrita- bhaktas fill the atmosphere with endless streams of prajalpa, faultfinding, backbiting, and fratricidal bickering, on top of all the petty institutional and interinstitutional wrangling and war – what do we care for it? Let the over-intelligent, doggedly resorting to materially contrived managerial stratagems, injudiciously undermine the essential principle of keeping single-minded confidence in the lucid instructions of the institutional Founder-acarya; they’ll have to learn the hard way – as will the attendantly implicated! Let hundreds of heedless sannyasis and guru-figureheads plunge from their pompous pedestals owing to their often sentimentally justified, inappropriately frequent, and overextended proximity in dealings with their female disciples and so on. Why should we lament or bother ourselves to in any way condemn or condone; these things are going on – and on – and will continue to go on and on and on . . . Trust no future however pleasant. Let the upper-organizational oligarchy essay to save face by repeatedly rehashing their clandestine attempts to cloak the pitiable transgressions of the institutionally rubberstamped guru-figureheads. Let them, on the plea of “protecting” the “faith” of their unwary disciples, in the name of service to the Absolute Truth, perpetuate the farcical facade of Guruji’s infallibility while groping for patchwork reformatory measures, lest there be appurtenant embarrassment for all concerned. Oh well, anyway . . . All glories to Kali-yuga! What could we expect? Hari bol! God helps those who help themselves. Man is the architect of his own misfortune. Let destiny prevail. We can fool some of the people – some of the time, right? It all comes out in the wash. Let the rather foppish, high-flying svamis, intent on compelling the purses of the prosperous prakrita-bhaktas, sublimate their zeal for lordly grandeur, affluence, and fanfare on the plea of yukta-vairagya – ostensibly in the interest of Lord Gauranga’s sankirtana movement. Hmm . . . Let the weak-hearted, ill-advised, or reckless religio- institutional administrators, beguiled by the prospects of amplified economic might, sightlessly prostitute or inelegantly abandon all managerial scruples in deference to the non- devotional demands of spiritually indigent neophytes of monetary magnetism. So much for the brahminical culture of candor and simplicity; it shall faze us not. Let multitudes of deceitful dharma-dhvajis, to conceal their actual reprehensible intents, masquerade as awesome mentors of the Bhagavata in order to furtively milk the petty gross and subtle material assets of the acarya’s institution under the pretext of acquiring “spiritual opulences” by the grace of God! Let them all “enjoy” and suffer according to the sweet will of providence. We shall be thrilled to pieces – at the same time much aggrieved. Let the determinately shallow superficialists cosmetically manage to farcically project a prodigiously meretricious institutional semblance of forthright Krishna consciousness while duplicitously concealing the relentless tenacity of their own steel-framed hearts. Let them obsequiously buff the “golden cage” institutional body as they insensibly disregard the vital nourishment of the “songbird” institutional soul. Let the respectability and trustworthiness of the institutional “leadership” go to hell. Our eternal constitutional personal loving relationship shall never be contingent upon nor thwarted by any of this. He Radhe-Shyama! The plastic, put-on felicitous social niceties of polished cultural urbanity hardly constitute nor necessarily evince internally developed pure devotional excellence. Godless meat-eating demons also effectively train their utterly materialistic corporate personnel to politely or hospitably interrelate with forged, highly refined deferential suavity. Are they too to be lauded as being spiritually advanced? Animals are also seen to cordially welcome their friends and relatives – and ward off their adversaries. Let the Grand High Exalted Mystic Institutional Control Monsters allege their high-handed, spuriously assumed, cliquish inheritance of the sampradaya’s material and spiritual legacy to patronizingly toss a scrap or two to the most servile of their pathetically ambitious bootlicking sycophants. Smiling mildly, we shall look on with casual indifference. What does it really matter that hundreds and thousands of exploitative neophyte religio-organizational opportunists jockey for positions, more or less fraudulently establishing themselves as “illustrious” “leaders” of the Hare Krishna movement on various levels to pursue their sundry ulterior motives while having not even the slightest genuine greed for the inestimable treasure of vraja-bhakti-rasa. I say, “Bravo!” if, as a result of having distributed millions of transcendental literatures all over the world, we can even hope to find just one unpretentious, truly elevated, fully enlightened rasika Vaishnava amidst the veritable mess we’ve made of everything. He Radhe-Shyama! Let the brutish nama-aparadhis, goaded by a lingering appetite for the foul fruits of bhukti and mukti, even after so much graceful guidance, remain ever attached to whatever little labha, puja, and pratistha they can manage to eke out from their ostentatious show of allegiance to the cause of transcendental book distribution. We shall not be impressed. Let the benighted, pushy, audaciously puffed-up, mischief- mongering egoistic vixens, wishing to spitefully dance on the heads of the brahmacaris and sannyasis to gratify their inflated personal and extended sense of self-importance, improvidently misconceive, abort, abandon, nay, even ever so much as |
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