Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #32332011-12-19 05:30At a cursory glance, frequently adduced passages from Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati’s Shri Caitanya-candramrita and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s Shri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya may appear to allude to this erroneous impression. However, these statements could never persuade anyone who has ventured to seriously scrutinize the various scriptural texts and commentaries of the Six Gosvamis and their followers to subscribe to such idiocy. The correct conception is quite the sound of a different drummer and also not so unmelodious. It is said in Caitanya-candramrita that yatha yatha gaura-padaravinde . . . – “to whatever extent a pious person becomes devoted to the lotus feet of Lord Gaura, to that extent the flood of the nectar of Radha’s lotus feet spontaneously arises in his heart.” The word “extent” is crucial here. Similarly discussed is the matter of attaining the service of Krishna in all primary rasas, through the preliminary worship of Gauranga Mahaprabhu in dasya-bhava. Here, the word dasya-bhava in relation to the service of Mahaprabhu certainly does not connote reverential servitude in terms of the vaidhi bhakti format, any more than it would when used to denote the rasa of servitude to Krishna in Vraja. Rather, particularly for those souls who have the innate capacity for the conjugal rasa, the word dasya-bhava should serve only to indicate one’s spontaneous attitude of loving service to the merciful Radha aspect of Gaura’s personality. Serving Lord Caitanya in dasya-bhava becomes tantamount to serving Shrimati Radharani in dasi-bhava (radha-dasya). Generally, in the Rupanuga-sampradaya, one is advised to dive deep into the ocean of service to Lord Gauranga’s Navadvipa lilas, internally conceiving oneself to be a kishora- brahmana who, as a servant of the servant (dasanudasa) of Svarupa Damodara Gosvami, accordingly assists to augment Mahaprabhu’s relishment of various vraja-bhavas. In doing so, one transitionally surfaces in the nectarean ocean of Radha’s madhurya-lilas as a blissful kishori-gopi maidservant of the maidservant (dasy-anudasi) of Shrimati Lalita Devi within the group of Radha’s sakhis in the land of Vraja. The Rupanuga approach to gaura-lila and Krishna-lila is not the dull-headed affair of the prakrita-bhaktas. Indeed, a conscientious internal culture of bhavas is most certainly required – a culture above and beyond though not necessarily exclusive of the external apparently vaidhika program of missionary duties. With this in mind, the basic unconditional service attitude practiced at the very onset of a novice’s humble surrender to the acarya’s external missionary training program may be easily adapted and internally applied at a more mature stage to fittingly promote the true, cognitive, esoteric evolvement of one’s eternal constitutional bhava-deha or vraja-svarupa. When Gaura’s mercy will flood the heart with an aspiration to serve Radha’s vraja-lilas, one will come to appreciate the value of service to the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. Just as Gauranga inclusively embodies the bhavas of Krishna’s foremost svarupa-shakti counterpart, Shri Radha, so also, Nityananda Rama inclusively embodies the foremost baladeva-svarupa- shakti-tattva who appears in Vraja as the younger sister of Radharani, Shrimati Ananga Manjari. Balarama’s Kali-yuga avatara as Nityananda is markedly more than Baladeva Himself in that He, unlike Balarama, can directly relish the internal mood of loving service to the lotus feet of Radha, in the madhurya-rasa parallel to Gaura’s relishment of radha-bhava. As previously mentioned, Krishna and His supreme svarupa-shakti counterpart, Shri Radha, though morphologically differentiated, are ontologically one. So also is the case with Baladeva and His topmost svarupa-shakti expansion, Ananga Manjari, from whom Balarama’s own personal consorts such as Varuni and Revati expand. All the members of Krishna’s family, including Balarama, possess the deepest regard, affection, and love for the sweetest, most eminently loveworthy Shrimati Radharani. Yet, owing to certain social constraints, Balarama, as Krishna’s older brother, is practically dispossessed of any opportunity to directly express His love for Her. So, to fulfill His most confidential desire to serve Radha’s lotus feet, He accepts an expanded feminine form as Her younger sister. Still He Himself, in His masculine Baladeva svarupa, is unable to directly relish the experience of being in the position of His shakti-tattva expansion, just as Krishna is unable to directly relish the moods of Radha. He, therefore, in gaura-lila, accepts the bhava and complexion of His supreme self-same svarupa-shakti counterpart to experience that which was transcendentally impossible in Krishna-lila. Thus Balarama manifests the form of Nityananda Rama in the same way that Krishna dons His Gaura svarupa to savor the ultimate loving disposition of Radha in vipralambha- maha-bhava. As Krishna and Balarama are one, so, similarly, Radha and Ananga Manjari are one. In fact, Ananga Manjari is celebrated as a veritable second Radha. Yet, by the will of Balarama, she acts as dasy-anudasi in the capacity of a prana- sakhi (upa-manjari of Lalita Sakhi) in the service of Radharani, just as Balarama Himself functions as servitor Godhead to assist svayam-rupa Krishna in various ways. Balarama as servitor Godhead is adi-guru in the vatsalya, sakhya, and dasya rasas. Similarly, Balarama’s expanded madhurya-svarupa, Ananga Manjari, is the madhurya-rasa adi-guru, who most compassionately acts as the liaison linking the jivas with the confidential services of Radha and Krishna. Her position as Radharani’s younger sister greatly facilitates this role. This is a hint as to the import of Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura’s statement heno nitai bine bhai, radha-Krishna paite nai. Indeed, it is only by Nitai’s boundless mercy upon the most fallen conditioned souls that the vraja-gopis’ superexcellent spontaneous devotional bhavas have been made readily accessible to the whole world. Just as Ananga Manjari is the special mercy manifestation of Radha, so Nityananda (in the mood of Ananga Manjari) is the special mercy manifestation of Gaura (in the mood of Radha). By Nitai’s special causeless mercy, one becomes free from material attraction, attains the land of Vraja, and finds shelter at the lotus feet of the Six Gosvamis headed by Shri Rupa. By seriously acquainting oneself with the writings of the Six Gosvamis of Vrindavana and their authorized representatives, one accesses the truths concerning parakiya-rasa-maya Radha-Krishna and the appropriate bhajana- kriya required for attaining Their eternal relationship on the path of spontaneous loving devotion. Mere rudimentary vaidhika devotion to the feet of Lord Caitanya can hardly evoke a highly evolved nectar-flood of Radha’s direct influence upon anyone. “Extent,” as applied to the principle of gaura-bhakti, refers to the degree of internal devotional qualification in one’s approach far more than to any externally quantifiable mass of regulative devotional practice. The factual proof that the nectar of Radha’s lotus feet is extensively flooding one’s heart will be seen in one’s attentiveness to deeply understand and practically pursue the path of vraja-bhakti-bhajana. Either sambandhanuga-bhakti (dasya, sakhya, or vatsalya-bhajana) or kamanuga-bhakti (madhurya-bhajana) will be practiced under the guidance of the Gosvamis according to one’s progressively perceivable natural internal inclination or aptitude for a particular mellow of loving service to divinity. The edict seva sadhaka-rupena siddha-rupena catra hi / tad-bhava-lipsuna karya vraja-lokanusaratah mentioned in Srila Rupa Gosvami’s Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu truly for all time applies both externally and internally to sadhakas who have yet to transcend material bondage as well as to siddhas who are jata-rati Vaishnavas having attained the perfect realization of sthayii-bhava, or constant devotional ecstasy. There is no broadly applicable streamlined institutional lame way out. No founding acarya of any Krishna conscious establishment ever casuistically instructed in such a way so as to shrink from the responsibility of deliberately enhancing or nourishing the deserving disciple’s progress onto the path of beatified vraja- bhakti-bhajana. When purposefully prescribed to forcibly inculcate the principles of Krishna consciousness, vaidhi bhakti certainly functions to coercively rehabilitate a conditioned soul’s misdirected or unconstitutional raga (attraction) or asakti (attachment) to worldly objects of material sense gratification, by obliging one to focus upon Krishna-ized sense objects. This is, no doubt, a step in the right direction, and in the beginning it is actually required. If, however, one does not intelligently endeavor in the present life to surpass the rudimentary stage of obligatory, reverential devotion strictly governed by scriptural regulations and embark upon the path of spontaneous, internal raganuga attraction (para bhakti), one will almost invariably remain a kanistha-adhikari or prakrita-bhakta, moored to the modes of material nature. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. At best, one may come to the platform of aishvarya-jnana-mayi bhakti, gaining fitness for mahima-jnana-yukta-prema. This type of bhakti, contaminated with knowledge of the Lord’s supremacy, leads to the spiritually conditional realm of Vaikuntha-loka or the majestic Vaikuntha-vrindavana on Krishnaloka, where the aishvarya-lilas of Radha and Krishna are served in awe and veneration or, at utmost, the opulent realm of Dvaraka. Vraja-lokera bhave yei karaye bhajana / sei jana paya vraje vrajendra-nandana. “One who worships the Lord by following in the footsteps of the inhabitants of Vraja-bhumi attains Him in the transcendental planet of Vraja, where He is known as the son of Maharaja Nanda.” (Cc. Madhya 9.131) All bona fide Gaudiya Vaishnava Acaryas agree that the madhurya- lilas of Vraja can only be attained by ascending to the terrace of kevala-madhurya-prema via the path of raga-bhakti under the merciful guidance of an emissary of Vraja Dhama. Furthermore, it is clearly declared by Kaviraja Gosvami in his Shri Caitanya- caritamrita, with reference to the appearance of Vrajendranandana Shyama, that raga-marga bhakti loke karite pracarana. Pracarana means to propagate, to make the super- excellence of the path of raga-bhakti known to the conditioned souls of this world. Unless one is exposed to the vibrant, esoteric transcendentally erotic principles of the spiritually constituted damsels of Vraja, which surpass all considerations of mundane morality, one can hardly expect to clearly construe the lie of its lustful perversion projected upon the illusive material panorama. It is imperative that the preachers of Krishna consciousness become solidly acquainted with the truths regarding the propriety of the sublime pastimes of Radha and Krishna so as to powerfully eradicate the misgivings concerning these affairs abounding among scholars, theologians, |
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