Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3382 umm..

2011-12-19 06:52

before I post what i am posting, I wish to apologize if I insult or have humilated anyone who has signed/supports this petition. My intentions are not that.

I was reading an article about the Orthodox Church taking the Gita as it is to court, under the pretext of it being "extremist" with "religious hatred, suppressing human dignity and declaring one religion superior to all others"

Now as i read the article, I found the prosecution took this quote from the Gita:
“Those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and do not practice them regularly are to be considered bereft of all knowledge, befooled and doomed to ignorance and bondage,”

Now please correct me if i am wrong, but does this quote just straight out tell everyone the truth. I mean [here is the "part" i am not sure about] one can definitely argue and have evidence supporting the idea that the Russian Orthodox Church is "envious" of the Gita, and for that matter anything/anyone that supports / basis the philosophy off the Gita [ie. ISKCON and Hinduism]

So how is that they can pull up this quote, and various other quotes that "support" their baseless "argument" and not pull up other quotes that show the peaceful side of Krishna Consciousness.

Look at Chapter 9. Patram Pushpam Phalam Toyam...
If one offers Me with LOVE AND DEVOTION, i shall accept it.

Uhm. where is the "religious hatred, suppressing human dignity and declaring one religion superior to all others"
any sane person with common sense can understand that whatever Krishna is saying is not only the absolute truth, but it notions to nothing but PEACE and Balance in Society.

Furhtermore if we look at Krishna's most confidential knowledge, Chapter 18, Verse 65? [I'm horrible at the verse number, please forgive me :)]
man-mana bhava mad-bhakto
mad-yaji mam namaskuru
mam evaishyasi satyam te
pratijane priyo 'si me

Translation: Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend

Furthermore, the very things the Russian Orthodox Church is judging the Gita as- "religious hatred, suppressing human dignity and declaring one religion superior to all others"

aren't they doing the same thing? I don't see them respecting the Gita [and if they cannot respect the Gita and compare it to Hitler's Mein Kampf, they are not respecting anyone who believes in the Gita, ie. Hindus, ISKCON, and others]

Human Dignity- the status of human beings entitling them to respect, a status which is first and to be taken for granted. It refers to their highest value, or to the fact that they are a presupposition for value, as they are those to whom value makes sense.[taken from a PDF document "what is Human Dignity"
I'm assuming that this points towards the Caste System? Well the caste system is designed for societal balance. Each caste has a duty to the others. It's kind of the checks and balance system, neither can work alone. It's a balance. If one gets too strong society gets corrupted, things mess up...

I don't remember what the Gita says about women, so i will not comment on that.

And finally, "declaring one religion superior to all others" correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't banning the Gita mean Orthodox supremacy? I mean it's clearly laid out.
The Orthodox Church is trying to ban the Gita for all the reason why THEY SHOULD GET BANNED. that's just my opinion, quite ironic though, no?, but I'm not trying to instill anything..

I wish I could do more than just sign this petition. I want to be there in Russia with the devotees in court and outside court protesting this injustice and the ridiculousness.

I wish the Russian devotees the best, and even if it does get banned, Krishna will come to our rescue. Look at Prabhupada and the land in ISKCON Juhu, that wasn't easy to get. But by Krishna's arrangement, everything worked out [and this has happened many times]

So dear devotees do not be disheartened if the Gita is banned, just chant Krishna's name loudly and let your voices ring in the four corners of the world!

P.S. i apologize for the length. Once I get start, i cannot stop. And this too is related to Krishna!