Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3388

2011-12-19 06:53

Vegetarian (Books)
Vegetarian (Lectures)
Vegetarian (Conversations)
Vegetarian (Letters)
A vegetarian restaurant will be very profitable business, and I wish that you may earn your fortune and help my mission at one stroke
An avaisnava may be a vegetarian and a very clean cook, but because he cannot offer Visnu the food he cooks, it cannot be accepted as maha-prasadam
Garuda is not vegetarian
God is open for vegetarian and nonvegetarian, both. But once he becomes, I mean, a devotee of God, automatically he becomes vegetarian. So we don't make any propaganda to make one vegetarian. We make propaganda to make one devotee of God I
I have already explained that anything which is not utilized for Krsna, that is material. Either you are vegetarian or not vegetarian, it doesn't matter. If it is not utilized for Krsna, that is material
In this material world, either vegetarian or nonvegetarian, they are on the same platform, birds of the same feather. You see? So that is not our propaganda. We are introducing Krsna-prasada
It is a very good idea for people to come to our vegetarian restaurant and take so many nice things, especially the panir, fried cheese, and sandesh, kachori, rasagulla, samosa and in this way they will forget their meat-eating
It is not a question of vegetarian or nonvegetarian
It is not the question of vegetarian or nonvegetarian. It is the question of understanding higher standard of knowledge
It is wrong to think that simply by becoming a vegetarian one can avoid transgressing the laws of nature
Simply becoming vegetarian is no great qualification. Somebody is taking meat and somebody is taking vegetable, it does not make any difference
There is no harm if devotees have invented recipes, so long they are strictly vegetarian, no garlic, no onions, like that
There is no question of vegetarian, nonvegetarian. Even nonvegetarian, he is eating sinful things, provided he is not offering to Krsna T cont.
Those who are not engaged in sinful life, naturally they are peaceful. Their mind is not agitated. Vegetarians are naturally peaceful. Just see between a dog and a cow
Those who are vegetarian, they are thinking that "We are better than the nonvegetarian." But it is not the fact. Either you eat vegetables or nonvegetable, you are liable to be punished because you are accepting something without offering to the supplier
To become vegetarian is not very good qualification. It is better than the nonvegetarian, but that is not the ultimate solution. The ultimate solution is when you become a lover of God
Vegetarian movement
We are after Krsna-prasadam. That is our motto. We don't fight with vegetarian and nonvegetarian. We are not making propaganda...
We are not advocate of vegetarianism or nonvegetarianism. That is not our business. We are Krsna-ites. What Krsna said, we have to do
We are not vegetarian, neither non-vegetarian. We eat Krsna prasada. Rather, "prasadarian." We are neither vegetarian, nor non-vegetarian. Because we don't eat which is not offered to Krsna
We are taking vegetables not as vegetarian. We are taking as Krsna prasadam, remnants of foodstuff offered to Krsna

Related categories

This category has the following 5 related categories, out of 5 total.

[+] Animal-eating (21)

[+] Flesh-eating (16)

[+] Meat-eating (76)

[+] Nonvegetarian (20)

[+] Questions on... Vegetarianism (1)
Categories: Vegetables | Diet | Killing Animals | Nutrition and Health - Umbrella Category