Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita

Raju Y


2011-12-19 09:49

The "Bhagavadgita As It Is" is meant for humans advantage to escape from the cycle of birth and death and to go back to our original home i.e. Goloka Vrindavana. Only fortunate human beings can understand and derive the benefit. Animals, birds, amphibians etc. do not know about God and have to wait for thier turn to become humans to realise this. The Bhagavadgita As It Is is the quickest and secured medium for self-realisation and it is not meant just for Hindus as most of the people conclude it. The Bhagavadgita As It Is conveys the universal message to one and all to realise their very purpose and existence. God is One. One may call him as Krishna and others may call him as Jesus, Allah, etc. which depicts his qualities. He has got innumerable names. Without questioning themselves as "whom am I?" people are crazy after the material pleasures which ultimately result in vain and pain. The Bhagavadgita As It Is makes the men perfect in understanding the human lives. But, it is very unfortunate that innocent people are thinking to ban the holy book of Bhagavadgita As It Is! It is my ardent desire and also earnest prayer in Krsna that let him be kind enough to provide an opportunity, to the people who are thinking to ban this holy scripture, to read it once before resorting to a decision.