Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3797 Bhagavadgita - Condemning terrorism

2011-12-19 10:14

Bhagavadgita is the highest treatise on personality development and for corporate governance.

Bhagavadgita condemns terrorism "ugrakarmaanaha" - they harm themselves and they habitually perform with their mind,speech and body gruesome deeds and tend to intimidate, oppress and exterminate the animate and inanimate creation. And whatever these people do with their intellect , mind, speech or body during their lifetime is solely intended to torment or obliterate the entire creation consisting of animate and inanimate beings. (Ch.16 - 10). It is innocence and ignorance to think to ban Bhagavadgita.