Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3872

2011-12-19 11:04

Just try to be tolerant and nonviolent, because this is a time when everything will ACCELERATE. So those who are heading in the wrong direction, will just get there sooner. And for those who are on the path of DHARMA, or righteousness, HOLD ON! It will rock in the years to come. The world situation and the present value system are in a very diseased, up-side-down state and it cannot go on like this any longer. However, the demoniac people will not let go so easily, so there will be turmoil. Just let the demoniac clash and finish themselves off between themselves. Try to stay away as much as possible and cultivate SPIRITUALITY for yourself, because the time is coming when you will be required to help people. Cultivate! Cultivate! Cultivate! Spiritual cultivation cannot be hampered by outside circumstances. It is AHAITUKI APRATIHATA!