Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #4085

2011-12-19 12:47

Bhagavad-gita is the message of God for the whole humanity for their peace and happiness. God is not Hindu or Muslim or Russian or Christian. God is only one and His message should be taken seriously. God message is rejected by only atheists. Please do not ban this message in your country. It will be an act of rebellion against God. Anyway, people who are following and going to follow Bhagavad-gita are far better in character and behaviour in human society than general mass. They are peaceful and happy. Those who read, will become happy and peaceful. Then, it would be foolish act to ban such an enlightening literature of the east. It is the violation of human rights or free-will towards choosing a path towards God.