Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #6603

2011-12-22 16:33

Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna"

Eat manure, drink urine and glorify Krishna

"... Naming itself wise, have gone mad, and glory of imperishable God have changed in an image similar to the perishable person, both birds, and four-footed, and a reptile, - that and their God has betrayed in lusts of their hearts нечистоте, so they сквернили bodies. They have replaced true of Bozhiju with lie, both worshipped, and creatures instead of the Creator Who is blest in eyelids, аминь served... And as they did not care to have God in reason their God превратному to mind has betrayed - to do непотребства"

Rome. 1:22-25,28

Note МС. At us in Tomsk, as well as everywhere кришнаиты deceitfully rub to young and near students that the belief in Krishna and belief in the Christ, Son Bozhija is practically one and too. Say, we trust in the same God. It is enough to read only attentively New and the Old testament to understand that this true Divine revelation differs from "Bhagavad-gita as it is" as gold from manure. The same God could not give so essentially different and contradicting the friend the friend of revelation. Therefore for Christians obviously that so-called "the sacred writing" for кришнаитов is only a fruit of human mind, to be exact, on the apostle - madness ".

Why? Yes at least because both in antiquated, and in new treasured revelation there is no concept "a sacred animal", as object of religious worship, not to mention that иудеи and Christians should use a sewage of animals in sacred trembling.

For me till now обстается secret, for what reasons (there can be this deep virus defeat of a cerebral cortex?) people leave belief in really existing Jesus Christ Which great causes, has confirmed with words and miracles, what It the Son the Divine and our unique Savior, and start to worship to ancient pagan myths, a black idol and thus still to use a sewage of animals, instead of the Flesh and Blood of Son Bozhija? An animal sewage and the Flesh and Blood of God - unless it is equivalent relics?!

What exact words apostle Pavel has told still 2000 years ago: "... Naming itself wise, have gone mad, and glory of imperishable God have changed at image"

We result original кришнаитский the text without comments. The text itself speaks for itself!

"Last 5 days of month Karttiki traditionally are called as Bhishma-panchaka or Vishnu-panchaka. In" Hari Bhakti Vilase "is said that in Bhishma-panchaku for the sake of satisfaction of the Lord the person whenever possible should observe a post on certain kinds of food. Though this post is not obligatory, Krishna is happy with that who observes this аскезу as to a way to satisfy It.

"Padma-purana" says that thanks to such аскезе it is possible to satisfy the Lord and to make spiritual progress. If you did not observe a post in Chaturmasju, that, having observed a post in Bhishma-panchaku, you receive all blessing from observance of a post of Chaturmasi.

There are three levels of strict observance of this post.

The first level (the highest) - on pancha-gave (in each of 5 days to accept only one of 5 products which receive from a cow:

- The first day - manure (go-Maya),

- The second day - urine (go-mutra),

- The third day - milk (кшира),

- The fourth day - yoghurt (дадхи),

- The fifth day - a mix of all products of a cow (pancha-gavja).

Sources: "Padma-purana", Brahma-khanda, гл. 23; "Skanda-purana", Vishnu-khanda, Karttika махатмья. гл. 32; Garuda-purana, Purva-khanda, гл. 123.

LiveJournal - Vitaly Pitanov - 3/14/2010.

Power йогов... In the cow urine

Throughout a theme. Here what interesting text is on one кришнаитском a site. Gennady Malakhov has a rest...

Urine of a cow is in quality of clemency, in a counterbalance from urine of the person which is in ignorance. Urine of a cow introduces clemency in our mood. If to accept the cow urine regularly within 6 months, the human nature becomes kind. The cow urine destroys qualities of passion and ignorance (Note МС. I have a basis weight to consider, what exactly in ignorance progressing the cow urine and result our krishnaitov-idolaters). It deduces toxins from all organism through urine, sweat and excrements.

Urine of a cow also is the destroyer of the illnesses connected with mind. In the Ayurveda the following is told: "Gavjam павитрам ча расайанам ча патхйам ча хридйам to balls of Buddi сйата Aajur прадам ракт викар mugs тридош хридрог вишапахам сйата". Transfer: "Urine of a cow is great элексир, it is pleasant for heart, grants force of mind and a body, gives longevity. Eliminates all frustration connected with blood circulation. Counterbalances bile, slime and air. Cures heart troubles and eliminates results of influence of poisons".

Effect of influence of the cow urine: cures all corporal and intellectual illnesses. It is a divine drink (Note МС.-?!) йогов which provides with their divine power. The divine river always lives in the cow urine - Ganges. The cow urine - the destroyer of all sins of the person (read => illnesses).

Has no value in what kind to accept the cow urine: natural, distilled or dried up. On medical influence between them there is no difference, the dosage changes only.

The Krishnaitsky primary source - korova-cow.Ru

P.S. The saying is fair: "Whom God wants to punish, that at first deprives of reason".

LiveJournal - Vitaly Pitanov - 3/14/2010