Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #7129

2011-12-24 15:24

The ambassador of the Russian Federation in India Alexander Kadakin - the adherent of sect рериховцев and simply boor...

Concerning joyfully advertised кришнаитами statements of the Plenipotentiary ambassador of the Russian Federation in India Alexander Kadakina.

First, Kadakin enters into a supervising top of sect Antichristian occult рериховцев. Vykipendiju See: "Alexander Kadakin is a member of a board of guardians of the International memorial trust of Roerichs, the trustee of public organisation" Roerich's International centre ", repeatedly participated in actions of movement of Roerichs, and also promoted carrying out of actions of movement, was printed in official рериховских editions, received flatter responses and awards from Roerich's International centre". Or see here.

We did not expect from рериховцев other reaction!

Secondly, thus I with it agree - silly to judge ancient let even pagan and not divine (from our point of view) books. But it does not concern to кришнаитской to the book written 50 years ago... Well and that he names an ancient Indian fairy tale "a great source of wisdom" … Hm. What demand from it? The sectarian and the hater of Christianity! Knowingly Kadakin has expressed bewilderment by that "similar events occur in a fine university city", widely known "the антиклерикализмом and religious tolerance".

Thirdly, it though also the Plenipotentiary ambassador, but the boor that is not necessary on its DIPLOMATIC rank is I about its statements for "ignorant" and "mad" Tomsk experts. Well, all right, I, the poor provincial and missionary having little education, my lack of culture periodically, unfortunately, come to light from a natural emotionality and straightforwardness. But Kadakin the diplomat (it is visible, even skilled) and roughly to offend in absentia and without grounds dear scientists, naming their madwomen and as we see, in a cut of a line of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For it as it seems to me, disqualification will follow so to make a laughing-stock of the state, law enforcement bodies and judicial system to the ambassador should not!

Fourthly, I will dare to smile: ха … ха … ха... Who is still built in turn to protect кришнаитов?! Atheists and apostates, the Indians who are not esteeming Krishna by Supreme god, рериховцы, саентологи, homosexuals, мясоеды, винопийцы, active fornicators, сквернословы, i.e. whom Abhaj Charan De in "Bhagavad-gite as it is" holds all up to shame and convicts, names "demons", "fools", "donkeys" … Represent, кришнаиты them brand, and all of them protect and кришнаитов and their book which convict them!

I will not understand, then why all these people hate the Gospel and Christ's Church, after all they also convict them?!

Fifthly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation the statement has put to the place of it хамоватого рериховца (it already, I think, has received corresponding suggestions).

Maxim Stepanenko, the head
Missionary department of the Tomsk diocese
Russian Orthodox Church
"On topic of the day" - 12/23/2011