Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #7391

2011-12-26 19:12

The Kemerovo experts declared Krishna god of death

Moscow, on December, 26th. The centre of societies of consciousness of Krishna in Russia has acted with an official statement in connection with court over the book "Bhagavad-gita as it is".

As the fact of is marked in the statement which publishes a portal Religio.ru, that the Holy Writ with the comments recognised in the world has appeared before court, deeply treads on religious corns of followers индуизма and simple people to what the wave of publications all over the world testifies.

Authors of the reference notice that Russian translation "Bhagavad-gity as it is" already passed public prosecutor's check — in 2004 and 2005 twice. "The third edition of the Russian translation which has been let out in 2007, practically does not differ from the previous edition — in it some stylistic errors admitted while translating are only corrected. However for any reason this argument is not taken into consideration by prosecutors", — it is marked in circulation the Center.

Inadequacy of statements on which charge in extremism is based, is obvious not only to experts.

Authors of the reference result two citations from the expert judgement which became the basis for court, and pay attention that the phrases taken out of context understand the expert judgement.

"In the same way the holy duty кшатрия — to battle, and it should execute it even if it is necessary to battle to friends or relatives". (БГ 2:15, with. 99)

There is an appeal to violent action — to battle with opponents. Lexemes it "is necessary" and "should" contain incentive semantics and combine genre signs of council, an appeal, the recommendation, instructions, installation. In the given contexts any of these values, in particular, value of an appeal can be perceived.

"Krishna is personified in dogma MOCK as a death and destruction deity:" I … among managing justice — the HOLE, the master of death "("Bhagavad-Gita as it is" гл. 10, the text 29). "I — all-consuming death..." (In the same place, the text 34).

"We hope that attraction to process of serious scientists, participation in it of the Representative under human rights in Russia Vladimir Lukina, the position of principle of heads of Russia and India, the friendly in consecutive development friendly and economic relations, will allow to put, at last, an end in this annoying incident, — mark in the Center of societies of consciousness of Krishna in Russia.

As it was informed earlier, in June the Tomsk Office of Public Prosecutor has addressed in court with the requirement to recognise the book "Bhagavad-gita as it is" the extremist. Under the version of supervising department, in it signs of kindling of religious hatred, humiliation of advantage of the person to signs of a floor, race, a nationality, language, an origin, the relation to religion "contain".

Extremism signs in the book on demand of FSB at first were found by employees of the Tomsk state university, however at the first judicial sessions which have taken place in August, experts have refused the conclusions. Then the Office of Public Prosecutor has addressed to the Kemerovo linguists who anew have found extremist positions. Thus the court has rejected the petition "Tomsk society of consciousness of Krishna" for attraction to examination of the Moscow orientalists.

Experts of the Kemerovo state university have found out that in the book propagation of intellectual and social inferiority of the person on the basis of its relation to proved by "Bhagavad-gitoj" to religious values "is conducted".

As the representative of the organisation "Tomsk society of consciousness of Krishna" Michael Frolov, experts "has explained RIA Novosti news agency have picked at random citations from the book where the word"fool"is mentioned. However, as he said, it is used in the book" not to any concrete religious group or the separate person "." It is criticised a philosophical sight, it is centuries occurs in India and centuries will occur ", — Frolov has noted.

Following judicial session will take place on December, 28th.

"Bhagavad-gita as it is" — transfer индуистского the Holy Writ "Bhagavad-gity" with comments in the spirit of tradition gaudija-vajshnavizma and bhakti-yogas. It is made in 1960th years by Bhaktivedantoj Svami Prabhupada — the founder вайшнавской the religious organisation "International society of consciousness of Krishna".

"Bhagavad гита" is included into the list of references in a course of philosophy which is taught in the Russian high schools.
More in detail: http://www.rosbalt.ru/federal/2011/12/26/928618.html