Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools


/ #25 MomO3

2012-01-11 01:53

The break was FABULOUS! We spent Christmas with family, enjoyed our decorations, family time, vacation and cleaned up COMPLETELY re-energized to start the 2nd half. Glad HS finals were done by break and the kids could decompress. Have one in each school age ready for the next semester!

Everyone's got an opinion and if money is the reason, then don't change. If a modified calendar (Feb break or long weekend) is possible, then so be it, if a balanced calendar has merit, then fine, BUT AT LEAST MAKE IT ABOUT EDUCATION.

Seriously people are BEGGING to cut their breaks to get them out of their hair? Really? Since when did being the biggest influence in your child's life take second to ANYTHING else? This whole debate is asinine! People - WAKE UP!