Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools
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/ #292 Re: MomO32012-01-20 15:27#25: Mom03 - MomO3 I think that perhaps you are misundterstanding the impetus behind parents preference for a shorter duration of breaks. Both of our children benefitted tremendously from the balanced calendar year. I was at both of their sshools the week before the Christmas break. The children had an explosive amount of energy the entire week( the teachers looked liked they were ready to enter the nearest pshychiatric unit, God bless them all). I don't see how much learning was taking place at that point. Subsequently, after a near 3 week break, it was almost like returning from summer break. Another week of readjusting to school. Our children have a much heavier work load than did I at in elementary and middle school. I can't speak to High School, haven't gotten thete yet. From my personal viewpoint, last year our children were more motivated during the school year. They worked harder for a few weeks, knowing they would have a respite shortly. For me, and the other parents I've spoken with, the desire for a balanced calendar is absolutely about academeics and our children's mental well being. Our children feel overwhelmed by their work load at times; 2 months without a break seems like an eternity to them. Our middle shcool son often is working on projects and studying throughout the weekend. Many afternoons he begins his homework as soon as school lets out and works until bed time. He frequently puts in a longer day than his father. I'm not sure what parents you are speaking with that would lead you to the conclusion that we just want to get the kids out of our hair. I thourougly enjoy having the kids home, taking a break from the hectic schedule. Frankly, I found your comments insulting. I strive everyday to help my children be the best they can be. To infer that we, as parents, are motivated by our own selfish needs is deeply offensive.
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