Opposition to ITV
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/ #88 Re: Re: Saifullah2012-07-28 12:57#67: Mohamed Adam - ITV - Re: Saifullah Assalamu Alaykum I certainly am disappointed at your response, Doctor Adam. The thrust of the debate is not based on wheyher I have a T.V. or not. The debate is whether it is permissible in Islam or not to have a television. The are many things which are wrong with me and you, but we do not make it right because we do it. We sin and we show remorse and ask for forgiveness and hope that one Day Allah will grant us to have the strenght to do right. Nonetheless, here are your answers a) I do not have a Television. b) Not applicable since i do not have a television c) Ido not have to see something myself in order to belief in it's existence. For instance both of us have not seen Timbukto or the Antartica but both of us believe in it's existence. Our believe cannot be atributed to heresay evidence. Besides seeing there are other mediums of gaining knowledge which are even at times more powerful then seeing itself. d) Since i do not have a television, this question is not applicable. Besdies this, it is rather deceptive to claim that a person who has a television, will necessaary have a DSTV and have access to ITV. There are millions of television owners who do not have DSTV. Kindly desist from cheap phsycho. e) I am really sorry to note that you you feel that all those thousands of people who do not have Television have no right to comment on the lutilation of Islam which occurs on ITV. Does Islam - the very Islam which you are operating under - not belong to them? The example you have sited is akin to a drunkard who is reprimanded. The drunkard turns around and says: "Since you do not booze, you cannot comment" Does this make sense at all? With all due respect, not only does television, but all forms of sinning, DISTORT the intelligence. f) Again i do not have to see a show to have the knowledge that it is wrong. I have clearly specified that which is common knowledge. I repeat them: (1) Cartoons of the Ambiya peace be upon them (2) Free intermingling between males and females (3) Music serving as interludes (4) Females with hair exposed (5) Photography Now kindly point out to me which one is not accurate and is based on hearsay? As for the other issues you have raised: 1) I do not expect nor need any apology. You tuabah should be made to Allah and you should make known this to the public as the sin was committed in public. Though it is pleasing to see you being repentant, one wonders what type of Molvies you have on ITV that cannot understanbd what you as a simple layman have understood. Ask the Qaari saab (or should we rather say tar-kari saab) to apologise for freely intermingling with females and see his response! Really, Doc, you got the wrong crowd of Molvies involved. How come Ml. Bham and company freely intermingle with women? You in fact have spoken like an Aalim when you apologise. They could learn a thing or two from you. 2) Again, I do not have to see the cartoons to believe that they appear on ITV. You are the director of ITV. How can I disbelieve in what you telling me? This thing about good and bad cartoons is sheer humbug. If any good cartoon was permissible, then the Best of Creations- Nabi Muhammed Salallahu alayhi wasallam's cartoon wouyld have been made long, long ago but Muslims who are searching for Allah's Pleasure much more determindedly then me and you. You believe in the concept of good cartoons of the prohets. The Holy Qur'aan states that Muslims have brought faith upon all the prophets. I trust that i am right when i say that you would never ever dream of making a "good" cartoon of our Beloved Nabi Salallahu alayhi wasallam. Only a person whose soul is in I.C.U. if not alraDY in hell will make such a cartoon. 3) Your this comment convinces me that you mean good. Only a humble person apologizes as readily as you do. May Allah make us all humble when we sin. (Ameen). Doc, now you telling me that there is music yet at the same time you say i act on hearsay. I am somewhat confused. An important note: This ITV which you are a director of is not to be vewed in light terms. You cannot throw poison in the towns reservoir in order to kill some weeds and than go merrily about life. Your surgery will be filled with dying people. You can cry out hoarsely how good your intentions were, but the fact remains that you are the cause of the sickness. I suggest you spent more time seeing what is really happening on the "floor". 4) Conatcting the Jamiat is actually quite easy. There e-mail address etc. is available on their web-site. 5) You have perhaps misunderstood what was said or perhaps i have not explained it clearly enough. There is this lady on ITV. She dolls herself up. Her eyes are laden with cosmetics. She has a following on facebook. She encourages her following to check her on YOUR ITV. She operates with the consent of the corrupt Radio Shaytaan molvies who are misleading you. You are free to check it out and comment whather this was hearsay or not. I conclude on something that may hopefully benefit you: a) The so-called Ulama on your ITV are supposed to have gently guided you towards what the De Deur Jamiat and the Majlis and the 99% of Ulama of South Africa are trying to do. Did anyone of the ITV ever tell you about the wrongs that have been pointed out to you? Are they not guilty of misleading you with their silence? b) Nor only do they remain silent, they indulge in the same Haraam in which they particpate. Why? c) Did the Qaari Saheb who was lusting with wide open eyes and broad smiles at, forgive the pun, the dolled up broads, perhaps in broad daylight, do justice to Islam? He does think so since he after all appeared on ITV and not on any other TV. d) It is such Molvies that put you on a drip of "lesser of two evils". Lesser of two evils is when a person has no other option whatsoever and there is a matter of life and death. No one is going to die without ITV. There are many other ways to propagate Islam insead of aping the Kuffaar. e) Being a doctor, you are perceived righteously to be intelligent. Surely the question came to your mind as to why a Fatwa was obtained for the permissiblity of Islamic Television from abroad instead of from the South African senior Ulama? I respect the fact that not being an Aalim you may not wish to get involved but this question does not require any islamic knowledge. It is simple common question dictated by common sense. f) I request readers on this petition to refrain from making statements such as "they are in it for the money". However, this comment must have been made in the light of the forty thousand odd rands which some Radio Islam Molvies are monthly earning. I asked one such Molvi. He blushed and said they are paid "market related" salaries. Wow! i am unfortunately unavailable for further comments. Make maaf if i hurt anyone's feelings and make du'a for me? Was-salaam |
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