Opposition to ITV


/ #89 Re:

2012-07-28 13:02

#87: ANTI FONG KONG ULEMA - Will the Radio shaitaan moulanas allow their own wives, daughters, sisters and mothers talk to a non-muslim men

NO ASTAGHFIRULLAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. They'll never let that happen - its HARAAM.... What do you think of our ''pious'' tv ulama???


But of course there's no problem if the non-muslim guy is looking in the mirror and the moulana's wife/mother/sister/daughter is looking in the mirror and the two of them, i mean their reflcetions - have a grand chat regarding anything..... just so long as they're looking at each others reflection and not each other in person. After all, according to these moulana's the womens voice is not awrah, her reflection is not her and his reflection is not him (thats why photography is halal).

So ladies and gentlemen don't miss out, Get your mirrors ready toady......................................!!!