Opposition to ITV


/ #209 Subject

2012-08-01 20:29

From the way a few people are commenting, it appears that they're more angry becoz of the money ITV/Radio islaam is making than anything else. Thats a silly argument because its not haraam to make money. If a person runs a madressa and charges his students R20.000 a month, it will not make his madressa, salary or deed haraam. If a person writes a kitaab and sells it for a million rand, it will not make his kitaab, deed or money haraam. If radio islaam was doing EVERYTHING halaal and ran the station in 100% compliance with the shariah in obediance to the commands of ALLAH and HIS Rasool salallahu'alaihiwasallam, even if they made a billion halaal rands per month, we would not have any issues.

Its not the money they're making which renders their deeds haraam and infuriates people, its their doings.

Thats the reason we should rather concentrate on what they're doing instead of how much they're making.