Stokey Local


/ #21 Wilmer Place development

2012-08-03 14:44

This development is not just a Sainsburys Supermarket. It includes a large ground floor retail unit and then 5 storeys of residential development.
From what I have seen it is completely innapropriate for the area and location in terms of its scale, materials and use. It will cause significant damage to the flora and fauna at Abney Park "Cemetery" (adjacent to the proposed site) which is a Woodland Nature Reserve and Conservation Area with Listed Buildings and Monuments. It would Cause 18 months (or more) of disruption to traffic and local residents, through noise, deliveries, contractors, cranes, dust during demolition and construction. I fully oppose this planning application and urge all local residents, businesses and visitors to do the same. The GREED of the developer should not be allowed to ruin a healthy and happy community.