Chatham County Northeast High School

Randy D. Cox - Sales Manager - Broker in Charge - Coldwell Banker - Howard Perry and Walston

/ #11 Smart Decisions, Smart Growth, Quality Education - A MUST!!

2011-01-12 16:37

I have been part of the Chapel Hill Community for over 30 years and have seen tremendous change. It seems that we would be short sited if we removed the NEW High School from the capitol improvements budget based on today's economic times as these times will not be a part of our lives forever. Chatham County has GREAT promise (That is why Tanya and I moved our family to Chatham County) and the need for our commissioners and council members to make SMART decisions for our future is critical. As the Broker in Charge for Coldwell Banker -Howard Perry and Walston and a Builder in our community it is obvious to me that people from around the globe are settling in Chapel Hill and surrounding communities. It is also apparent to me that people from the Chapel Hill City limits are considering moving to Chatham County and are doing so as I write this text. That will not stop. Quality Schools are a must and are considered to be the foundation that communities are built on. (We need proper capacity to provide quality environments)
I grew up being a part of the #1 public school system on Long Island and graduated in 1979 with a graduating class head count of 1,648 students with over 22,000 in the school system. There is so much that we can learn from those school systems and people in our community before we make the wrong decision.
Please know that those same people that I grew up with (Many of them) want to move to North Carolina. (And Long Island is 1 small geographic area) Please make the right decision and manage our growth. Growth is coming whether we want it or not.