Silat World Champion and Sportsman of Year Award

Quoted post


#2 apa lagi SSA mahu?

2013-06-15 05:23

he is already the world champion! if no one else is deserving then why isn't he? i'm not into Silat, but it seems the SSA is belittling the value of the sport, and this should never be the case. Sports has been very badly managed in Singapore, and things should change! This change is not going to come from above, but from below! Hold these idiot administrators accountable!



#12 Re: apa lagi SSA mahu?

2013-06-20 03:41:05

#2: Chazza - apa lagi SSA mahu?

this is what happen when no malays were in SSA.SSA should comprise of all races representives so that no prejudice and discrimination would prevail over any races.This is a clear cut racial discrimination and the reasons given by SSA were utterly and completely bunkum.Should disband SSA and elect new chairperson and members before something worst than now transpired and spiral out of control.