Save Gibraltar's Street Names

Quoted post



2011-05-31 12:55

So perhaps we should go back to its original name, "Torre Del Tuerto"? No doubt there was an outcry 300 years ago when its name was changed from Torre Del Tuerto to Devil's Tower.LOL.



#51 Re:

2011-05-31 14:19:37

#50: Guest -

'Torre de Tuerto', was on the South Molel Devils Tower was  - guess what? - 'Torre del Diablo'. Doh! Get your facts right.


#52 Re:

2011-05-31 14:55:07

#50: Guest -  

 La 'Torre Del Tuerto' overlooked the 'muelle nuevo', somewhere near where the docks are nowadays and was probably a corruption of the word Puerto. 'La Torre del Diablo' (Devil Tower) as it was always called, stood until destroyed sometime in 1940.