Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Quoted post

Mike Pexton

#415 Hartlebury Common.

2011-06-29 23:16

Can any one tell me how long cattle have been eating trees;gorse;bracken;bramble bushes? the only thing the cattle will eat is the grass on the common which comes and goes every yearand is not a problem of course. Of course the heather which the WCChas spent an inordinate amount of money and time trying to cultivate will go;one way or another when the cattle arrive in my opinion this whole buiness as more to do with preserving certain person's salaries and pensions.


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2011-06-29 23:22:46

common man

#1382 Re: Hartlebury Common.

2011-08-23 20:15:07

#415: Mike Pexton - Hartlebury Common.

#415 cattle browse aswell as graze, but to the best of knowledge heather and bracken are not on the menu, you are right though this agenda is to line others pockets

tony barnett