Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Quoted post

Chris Ward

#481 Who's benefit is it for?

2011-07-03 19:35

I presume as it is common land then, we can all graze cattle if we so desire,Would anybody object to me putting 45 head of cattle on there ? surely it is illegal to fence other people's property so you would assume worc county council has committed an illegal act by doing so.
My family and I have used the common for thirty years and it has survived so far without this present management and my view is that they should leave the trees alone now.
I had tO laugh this morning when entering the common by Chadwick lane gate, a notice warned horse riders to only go on the designated paths in order to protect the fragile habitat, I assume some council clown will inform the cattle of this fact!


Steve McCarron

#482 Re: Who's benefit is it for?

2011-07-03 21:06:27

#481: Chris Ward - Who's benefit is it for?

The thing is Chris, there is very little that stands up to scrutiny. On the sign boards, the council also say.

"Tethered grazing has been stopped because of the risk to valuable flora and fauna"

So untethered grazing will be less of a threat then?

One of my motivations for objecting to this scheme and there are many, is there are contradictions, like this cattle issue  in all of their dictats.  We now have fresh red sand, which has been stable for thousands of years sucumbing to rain, wind and gravity  flowing down disintergrating strata. There has been more erosion in 6 months than there has been in recorded history.

If prehistoric people produced a landscape WCC aspires to and claims, deforested, then the archaeological site would not be here, niether most of the common that we see today.

If you have not visited already, look here       http://www.self-willed-land.org.uk/heath_madness.htm


The whole scheme is about money, it has nothing to do with the welfare of the common

Best wishes
