Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Quoted post


#610 Re: campaign

2011-07-07 15:18

#609: Steve McCarron - campaign 


Don't you think its unfair to remove my post? I've followed this site for weeks and genuinely wanted an answer. I'm not surprised people don't support you. Your attitude to people is awful.


Steve McCarron

#612 Re: Re: campaign

2011-07-07 16:32:32

#610: - Re: campaign

People do support us, we are now heading for 1000 signatures in four weeks. We are recieving letters and phone calls offering support and even funds to fight this abberation of process. Also, we did not lose at court yesterday, we won, but you cannott see that. There will never be cattle on hartlebury common, ever, not because of my opinion but because of the thousands of people that will never let that happen.

Sorry if I deleted your post by accident but it's tough dealing with so much information 24/7

Oh by the way, I have a loveley attitude, just ask anyone I have dealt with personally.