Stokey Local
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#32011-07-09 23:55Big supermarkets ruin local businesses, high streets and whole towns. There are a ridiculous number of Sainsburys and especially Tescos in the area, we do not need or want another one. Especially in the planned location! It would mean destroying small local businesses and displacing people from their affordable housing. The traffic it would cause would also be a nightmare. No to big supermarkets in Stoke Newington!!!! |
john raynham |
#26 Re: LONDON EAST. Sainsbury.2015-01-05 5/1/2015. FAIR WARNING. THIS TEXT CONTAINS SWORN STATEMENTS OF FACT TRUTH REALITY AND THERE IS AN AFFIDAVIT. THE INFO IS VITAL FOR THE PUBLICS SAFETY. THE EVIDENCE REFERS TO COVER UPS BY CORONERS AND OTHERS RE ESTABL CAUSED DEATHS. ITS NOT LAWFUL TO DELETE THIS NOT HAVING ACTED ON IT CONTARY TO POPULAR MYTH ABOUT TEXT. LAW APPLIES TO TEXT IN SAME WAY AS ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS. DO NOT READ IF EASSILY STRESSED OR IF YOU ARE IN A VESTED INTERESTS SITUATION EITHER USE THE DOCUMENT WISELY OR GET SOMEONE ELSE TO TACKLE IT. The situation in the uk is much much worse than a supermarket issue and we are not saying the objectors are wrong its just a matter of participation in the society as a whole. For instance if no supermarket hsappens it wont make any dent in what we found going on in cent london over a 12-15 yr period accompanied by victims of the establ. we were looking for people who cared about others. We found about one and a half. We were submitted to so much violence that we had to employ bodyguards. We found that the public at large claimed that what ever was going on was 'NOTHING TO DO WITH ME' This was a demoraliing shock. The activity engaged in created 1000pp and the BBC has told us to hide it abroad. Channel said -Too Much Evidence. The police did horrific things to one bodyguard but in general we managed to stave off a lot of the violence which was sent our way.. heres a brief accont. --We were now in no doubt about what was going on in the uk and being puzzled by the BBCs apparent complete igmorance of Mental Health in the UK we contacted them and there was no reply. We knew hundreds of people there both tech and so called creative and also mngt. We were then told 'dont send any documents here because they will be shredded before anyone can read them, the BBC is obsessed with Universities and its where they recruit from. They are also in love with art and writers and drama, real life is not their scene because the govt would stop their antics if they exposed the situation. We went on the complaints site and the text on there reads like a passge from the bible (no not camerons, the real one). NO REPLY. We then discovered that the Salford based radio studio YOU AND YOURS was telling the public packs of lies which word for word aped the NHS/Charity/Police/ Local Press rings. How many people they have caused to die can be argued but deaths have happened in that area of the uk being Yorks/ Lancs. We then found out that Clegg was in league with them so they have a very useful ally. Also roped in are the usual charities and of course the reigions. We asked CLEGG he got his expertise but just like the rewst of these clwns he has nothing to provide so hes on the stuff that the cabinet office advised us about.. Why dint he say he got the expertise out of his usual packet. John raynham. erica weinberger. Legal. Political. Medical. London. Hants Budapest. Advisor katalin Benedek (LAW) Advanced Psychtherapists. De Traumatisation..Rescue Of NHS Psychiatry Damage And Imprints etc. NOT PROOF READ. |
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Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)
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