Quoted post


#76 How depressing

2011-07-28 01:24

How depressing is this website? A white Christian murders 80 people in Norway in the name of keeping Europe free of Islam and all you d**heads can do is talk more hatred? I fear for the future.



#78 Re: How depressing

2011-07-28 05:37:51

#76: Guest - How depressing Yes I could'nt agree more in fact we all fear for the future ban islam problem solved ....oh and by the way that mass murderer was no christain  I challenge you to do a google/you tube  search on islam in the west and then come back and say it is us talking hatred



#87 Re: How depressing

2011-07-28 18:33:49

#76: Guest - How depressing

What has him being white got to do with it? There are white Muslims! Ive little time for all Religions, and millions of educated professionals the world over agree with that sentiment. Islam is inherantly bigoted, and at odds with freedom of speech, democracy, gay rights, womens rights, and countless other things besides. The idea that anybody opposed to Islam is a BNP voter or a nazi is absurd, the Guardian might lead you to belive that everyone who wants to put Islam on the back burner is a tatooed thug, but the fact is, millions of logical people have issues with it, for purely secular reasons. I do not believe that a true Muslim can ever be as tolerant as they should be, their holy book is right there in black and white for you to read, pick up a copy, read it, and then come back and tell me that Islam is a Religion of peace.


#211 Re: How depressing

2011-08-14 16:07:52

#76: Guest - How depressing

a white Christian you fucking dick