Save Orleans Riverside from Development

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#95 What's all the fuss?

2014-07-12 18:03

Why all the negativity? Seems quite a good idea to me. That part of the river is not that great, and why shouldn't Richmond have the barge? Having said that, I do like the idea of using the Thames Young Mariners spot, or the open area by Marble Hill House perhaps, but on the whole, can't we put in more constructive comments about where it might be placed, rather than just yelling, 'We don't want it - get it out of here'?



#96 Re: What's all the fuss?

2014-07-12 18:48:49

Negativity, for all the reasons outlined above. The spin, the fibbing the underhand and patronising behavior.I'm sorry you don't think the meadow and playground aren't "that great"To misquote Basil Fawlty, what would you expect from a pretty riverside meadow-flocks of flamingoes? Rapids??

We are yelling we don't want the developmenta huge build on a meadow protected in law . We don't want creative little chats about how fab it will be there. If I offer to put a Tescos superstore at the bottom of your garden (there was a small greenhouse there once: I am just restoring and improving) you probably won't want to hear me tell you its time for you to look at the idea with a positive attitude, or ask you how many windows you want on it. You probably wouldn't want me to give you a consultation document with no option to refuse it. And you muight get qiote irate if I came along and started marking out the store's borders on your garden.

All of the consultations very much want to steer us all on to little quibbles about the lay out etc with the tacit assumption that the thing will be built. Its what in sales they call the "no choice, choice" Along the lines of; "Would you like to buy this double glazing with the special discount or with a free houseplant?""Would you like to build on this meadow and house my pal's boat out of your own funds with 5, or 10 ,cycle racks?"

A 5 year old isn't fooled into thinking they have had a free choice when we say "Would you like to  go to bed now or in 10 minutes?"We aren't fooled either.

Ask yourself-do you see any conditions under which True and co will just drop this on the grounds that its a terrible site for it and deeply unpopular-and turn to all those other sites which, honest, they say they considered? Nor do I. So its needs a fight.