Mpenjati Beach - First official naturist/nudist beach in South Africa

Quoted post



2014-10-06 20:54

Naturism is a healthy and pure lifestyle. While it may possibly not be acceptable to some people, we have a great many beaches in South Africa, and that a few of these beaches be made official naturist beaches, does not seem unreasonable. Taken generally beaches being used by naturists now, albeit illegally, are remote from the facilities used by the majority of the public. What is also of interest is that these "naturist beaches" are generally kept in a cleaner condition, because naturists by definition care a lot about their environment, and thus clean up after themselves. we also know from experience, that a great many naturists, especially from Europe, visit South Africa and utilise beaches that are "unofficial naturist beaches" e.g. Sandy Bay in Cape Town.  Rod Watermeyer, Cape Town.



#56 Re: We need this in Cape Town Also

2014-10-14 12:09:08

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