Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Quoted post

Steve McCarron

#1395 TRUTH

2011-09-07 22:23

I do not know what has happened to the "Other" site but it seems as if is imploding like its predecessor. On this site, we do not quote the information provided by the so called management, or quote other fixed agenda biased observations. We are the wikileaks of nature conservation. The truth may be unpalatable and hard to swallow but our agenda is the same, the truth against overwhelming odds.



#1396 Re: TRUTH

2011-09-07 23:53:24

#1395: Steve McCarron - TRUTH

rubbish your entire operation is fixed agenda bias you just qoute from the other side an take no notice of those that sit in the middle and tell each group they are wrong.

Also i think wikileaks would be ashamed if you were associated even by name or idea to them. At least they produce the evidence to back their claims up