Help The Recovery of the Wye Salmon
Quoted post
concerned |
#17 Do NOT support this campaign !!2015-01-02 16:02I have discussed this issue with a number of fishery scientists and believe that the NRW have definately made the right decision to close hatcheries. Although I agree that hatcheries seem like a proactive rapid and helpful approach to restock our rivers, the scientific data and studies actually show that hatcheries do more harm than good to our stocks of salmon. The big flaw in the hatchery approach can be likened to an arranged marriage between a non compatible cock and hen salmon - man is not capable of recognizing the right cock and right hen for spawning and the probability is the fry and parr will be genetically weaker than a natural stock. In nature (no intervention from man), salmon are very selective in choosing a mate and this is critical because they need to adapt to micro-environments within the river system (differences in pH, flow rates, insect availability). It is much better to invest our money on improving the river system and removing predators - nature is the best facility to deliver larger stocks of healthy salmon. |
Guest |
#20 Re: Do NOT support this campaign !!2015-01-02 17:20:21#17: concerned - Do NOT support this campaign !! There is absolutely no proof of any of the fears of Mr Concerned - it's just opinion masquerading as fact. In other words it is dogma! This years rod catch of 560 fish, some of which were caught more than once and others kelts reported as fresh fish, is simply appalling for a river the size of the Wye. This river needs all the help it can get and it needs it right now! |
Guest |
#22 Re: Do NOT support this campaign !!2015-01-02 17:28:57#17: concerned - Do NOT support this campaign !! This shows someone, (concerned?) who has never actually been out in the field and seen what actually happens. Read a few books, a few papers by career researchers, denied the stockings that have worked all over the world, happy to let a scientists who never got his hands dirty to cloud his thinking. Perhaps he would like to show us a scientist whose actual field work or even research has factually improved a salmon river rather than sitting at his computer all day try to rubbish someone else's work. I will send you a postage stamp Mr Concerned to print your reply on. |
Guest |
#35 Re: Do NOT support this campaign !!2015-01-04 11:12:34#17: concerned - Do NOT support this campaign !! Your concerns are justified, and should be born in mind for any further stocking activity. As a starting point, all stocking efforts must use progeny taken from the Wye. However, in accordance with your arguement, genetically inferior fish produced from man-made efforts [using native progeny] are unlikely to survive or come to dominate the genetics of a river system. If they do, they presumably must have genetic traits which favour survival and therefore, are genetically suited to the river system. If they don't, their genetics will die out. If the genetic pool is taken from the river system, then the integrity of the genetics will be maintained. For every egg produced by man-made efforts in this way, the potential for genetic improvement is increased, as it is only through replication that modification and enhancement of genetic traits may increase. No replication, no diversification. And that is what we currently have on the Wye; a declining gene pool in need of drastic action. |
Red Head! |
#66 Re: Do NOT support this campaign !!2015-01-12 14:44:48#17: concerned - Do NOT support this campaign !! Very interested to read the barrage of objections to some very valid points raised by Mr Concerned. I would have joined in the deafening roar of complaint had I not read the exceptionally well, researched book by the name 'King of Fish' by David R Montgomery. I would suggest that before anyone else states their is absolutely no proof that hatcheries do not damage native fish numbers they should take stock of their emotions and do some deeper research...and the above book makes fascinating reading..and is the collaborative work of any number of fsishery scientists from both sides of the Atlantic In the event that riverside predators or any other factors affecting the survival of salmon that make it as far as the river are not controlled then I would heartily agree that stocking should continue. As I think it can be assumed that cormorants will still be treated as if they were the last remaing Dodo then hatcheries are going to be the only viable option. However in the event that absolute protection could be afforded the returning salmon and their prodigy then allowing nature to repopulate would be my 'informed' recommendation. Natural selection during the spawning process is far more complicated than simply picking the same genetic strain from a specific region. No offence to Scots (I am one) but if one simply took all red heads (I am not one) as a genetic line and force bred them where would we be... |
Gary D'Actylus |
#67 Re: Do NOT support this campaign !!2015-01-13 12:06:32#17: concerned - Do NOT support this campaign !! There appear to be 2 points here. Firstly hatcheries don't work. If this is the case there can be no genetic risk. Secondly if they do work any fish which scores a home run by returning to the river has proved its genetic credentials and right to breed. Those allegedly less wily stocked smolts which do not survive provide top cover for wild fish by providing meals for cormorants and other predators. Seems to me on this common sense basis that stocking should be supported in conjunction with other existing initiatives. Otherwise we will soon be waiting for a genetically pure virgin birth in a river devoid of salmon.
#72 Re: Do NOT support this campaign !!2015-01-19 10:37:30#17: concerned - Do NOT support this campaign !! I would like to see the evidence which proves that stocking compromises bio-diversity. It strikes me that this is the fisheries scientists equivalent of political correctness! Which rivers? what problems? Please? |
jayro |
#90 Re: Do NOT support this campaign !!2015-04-24 13:47:09#17: concerned - Do NOT support this campaign !! This "selective mating" is an absolute hoot! "concerned" has obviously never seen an active redd ! it is an absolute free for all any salmon, including precocious parr get in on the act.So far as nature and evolution are concerned,if a fish is fit enough to reach the redd it is fit enough to pass on its genes. It is just astonishing that so much of the hatchery/stocking debate ignores the prime example in this field; Iceland! they have an enviable tourist/angling industry,hugely successful runs of fish,in some cases on rivers TOTALLY supported by hatchery and stocking efforts. |
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