Keep Coach Scott

Quoted post



2015-03-29 02:25

As a former player for Mr. Scott, I feel he helped me not only develop as a basketball player, but as a better person.  I believe that is the purpose of high school athletics.  Allowing young people to develop the skills that they will ultilize later in life to be successful.


Mr. Scott instilled in all of us that playing basketball was a privilege, and that you should be grateful for every day that you are able to play the wonderful game of basketball.  Parents don't often get to see that side of him.  They take what they see on the sideline, and let that completely define who Mr. Scott is as a person and coach.  His 'berating' of officials is part of his job.  If you think high school basketball officials are beyond rebuke, you don't know high school basketball.  He always made it clear we were never to voice our displeasure with the officials.  We were supposed to focus on what we could control, which was how we played.


Mr. Scott's passion for basketball may be off putting for people who don't know him personally, because he is an intense person.  For those young people who haven't experienced that kind of drive and desire before playing for him, may misconstrue his actions as bullying.  I am glad he didn't sugar coat his expectations for myself and my teammates.  Life doesn't sugar coat much.  And parents who think he is too tough on players, or that he bullies and intimidates them, are only hearing one side of the story.  For every time he got on our case, there was point at which he made sure we were alright, and that we understood why he was upset with us.  He helped me learn how to deal with adversity, and that pouting or sulking when something doesn't go your way, gets you absolutely nowhere in life.  Some kids need that, because they sure aren't getting it at home.


I am glad to see there are many more people signing the petition to keep Mr. Scott, than signing the one calling for his firing.  They can see past all these vague accusations and generalizing his behavior.  Unfortunately, the internet allows anonymity to people to make these claims, and it disgusts me.  If you want to deride Mr. Scott, go ahead.  But be specific, provide evidence, and stand by your statement.  Otherwise keep it to yourself. 


SJB '08



#18 Re:

2015-03-29 02:55:35

#17: -  

 Nicely said!!