Dress Code Swampscott Middle School

Quoted post

not mr murphy

#81 Re: Re: this rudulous new rule

2015-04-16 23:47

#57: - Re: this rudulous new rule 

 by no warning I meant during the summer. that's when shorts are mainly sold right? and as for you wearing shorts to your knees that's okay, I don't care, but because I don't like that style on me I don't buy any and I'm not wasting money on them. as for water, I DO bring a water bottle and wow it's like magic... IM STILL HOT IN SCHOOL! boys don't wear booty shorts because they don't want to just like I don't wear basketball shorts because I don't want to. I don't wear trashy clothing but it's still not down to my knee! we're not whining... we're standing up for what we believe is right...



#84 Re: Re: Re: this rudulous new rule

2015-04-17 01:14:04

#81: not mr murphy - Re: Re: this rudulous new rule 

 Well it's not my fault. It is not that hot in school we don't live in Florida so suck it up and deal with it its only 6 hours. And who's fault is it again for wanting that style? You'll never guess who? Oh right YOU. This is not something you believe in or not. Out not rocket science! Don't follow the dress code? DETENTION well sucks for you