NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education

Quoted post



2016-10-11 17:38

Because I have paid a lot of hard earned money to educate my son. He wants to learn and I cannot fathom how we are pandering to the needs of the minority. Protest peacefully but let the kids who want to study go. Another point - if everything in life is free what are you learning, where are your goals and aspirations ? If you want anything in life it is about working for it. Get over it and get on with it. We have so much to offer and we are the laughing stock of the world. It is a joke. No politician has come forward with a solution because they are afraid of loosing the money that they are lining their back pockets with - stand up our so called leaders and put this beautiful country with so much to offer back on track.



#644 Re:

2016-10-11 17:41:15

#643: -  

 These people are performing criminal acts and destroying things for others - arrest them and get on with it.  Millions of rand worth of damage .... the point is what ... who is going to pay for this ... us the ones who dobt expect everything for free.  Fed up, tired, stressed and disillusioned.