Justice for Nasser Ahmed

Quoted post


#377 Re: Re:

2016-11-16 17:26

#47: - Re:  

 As a pupil I strongly feel you're just a mere younger here for no apparent reason. My apologies did that offend you? Well don't be assuming that the people for are teachers. Much like you and I, neither of us know the full story. 



#385 Re:

2016-11-16 19:57:08

#377: - Re: Re:  

Bahahahaha someone has something up their sleeves. 'Mere younger' I would laugh on here but will be respectful for Nasser.

Truth clearly offended you! I ain't apologising, and no offence taken for sure, because; A) your message clearly for all of us DID NOT make sense B) not a pupil, but nice try though! You did not even pay your respect to the deceased!!!

Open your eyes factual information came from his family NOT the media. Teachers have a bad name these days. Jobs get to their heads. So Mr/Mrs Teacher deal with the criticism.

Oh, and if you don't like the opinions on here don't come on here. This is a page for people who want justice FOR NASSER not for people who want to moan and try and justify the incompetant teacher (s) actions/conduct of the teacher in question oh and by kidding themselves. #sack the incompetent teacher (s) #justice for Nasser #teacher's cover each others back # roll on court case #no room for haters opinions and come back! #go and stew #haters can go **** themselves


R.I.P Nasser pray you get justice!