Petition to restore TFX tokens to minimum USDT value with immediate effect

Quoted post



2023-01-24 03:25

I wonder if Triumph is a legal bank, would you guys still call them as scammer even though your investment funds started to go down when the banker told you "well, it happens all the time in unit trust, always ups and downs, depends on the market as well."

I can say, I lose plenty when invest unit trust at legal banks compared to Triumph, so far for Triumph, NONE.

I diversified my income to few to invest unit trust, From 6 figures to 5 and now near to 4 now, can't even get back the money. These losses not only happened to me, but friends and family around me as well. So, I believed more than thousand of unit trust investors having the same issue as me. Did we complain much about it? Can we file for police report? Well, due to the title of LEGAL BANK, we have to accept the policy.

So those who prayed Triumph to shut down, they said, by waiting 5 weeks you get 7%, for sure scammer platform. So to them, by putting their money in the bank by waiting 3 years to get return, is not a scammer platform even when your money will be lesser by 40%?

Then I recommend Triumph to get a legal bank license so can openly scam everyone's money then. Put a negative interest just like the other unit trust and said, "we are now having losses."

So much complaints from those who just come for few months to invest takami 🤣 I prefer this platform don't allow those new comer to join. Continue to be a hidden platform for us to be rich 😂honestly, I don't even want to share this platform to others. I want to have none stop $$ secretly. Some have been secretly gain profits for more than 7 years. Envy envy! 



#13 Re:

2023-01-24 03:57:23

#12: -  

True. I never once invest unit trust after what happened to my mom. She had to surrender coz can't afford to lose any more money. All her hardwork money more than 50% all gone. Can't even file any report. I gave a try the min I know about this platform, we have family business but y' know not every biz can earn 70% per year after renovation and capital when it comes to new biz.We put some here to generate extra to cover up losses in biz. During pandemic, this platform helped us a lot. So hopefully this platform will recover and the best is to stop taking new investment to join, they don't understand how the platform runs and keep on calling this as scammer. I just treat this as my side business. You need $$ to run a new biz, but not every biz can earn 100% after minus all the expenses, some biz even loss profit. If you're worried you can't get back your money, then please avoid this platform, this platform does not suit you.


#15 Re:

2023-01-25 17:10:36

#12: -  

 but its hard to earn money if there is no new investor.

You need to know how ponzi works