Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Quoted post


#158 Re: School Calendar

2012-01-16 17:34

#131: Kick out the unbalanced four - School Calendar 

 The 3 new board members were voted virtually unopposed,

- how can you be "virtually unopposed", you are opposed or not;  every candidate who won election to the board in the last election: beat a candidate that supported the August 1 start date calendar

- "3 new board members and 1 existing members had a private meeting voting 2 of themselves as chairman and vice chairman";  - how can it be "private" when it is legally announced and televised?

"have strange ties to an individual who has told at least 1 of them to hold strong on the calendar vote and not to forget who put them office and who can take them out, this same person was given by someone a copy of the names address and employment records of everyone who voted to keep the balanced calendar and that person then created a hit list and on at least 1 occasion 1 of the 4 tolled 1 of the 3 to quit being a bitch in front of people for asking about the hit list."

 - alrighty then




#208 Re: Re: School Calendar

2012-01-17 16:42:18

#158: - Re: School Calendar 


"virtually unopposed"= they won their primaries then didn't face any opposition in the general election. And calling a meeting in less then 4 days on a Sunday when these a regular meeting scheduled for later that week? Sounds kinda like they wanted to have their own little meeting and if you check the records where they were investigated by the grand jury and sac's they got spanked for that meeting!