Protetst for the issuance of some LTTE stamps in Norway

Quoted post



2012-02-09 10:16

It is quite unbeleivable that now, after the true face of LTTE is known to the whole world, Norway of all nations persists in their partial support of this terrorist organizations. Totally unacceptable!



#12 Re:

2012-02-09 10:47:45

#10: -

Så må en presisere at det ikke er Posten Norge som representerer den offisielle norske utenrikspolitikken.... De bør ikke representere noen som helst norsk politikk, ofisiell, eller uoffisiell. Det er for mange som fremmer sine egne ureflekterte eller tendensiøse holdninger som offisiell norsk politikk. En skal være enig i den herskende mening, uten å vite hvor den kommer fra, og hvem som har vedtatt den. Fritt frem for all slags meningsmanipulering her i Norge.  DET ER NORGE SOM ER BEST, ....................So one must emphasize that it is not Norway Post as the official representative of Norwegian foreign policy .... They should not represent any Norwegian policy, official or unofficial. There are too many to promote their own unreflective or biased attitudes as the official Norwegian policy. Its a kind of tendency here i Norway that one always should agree with the prevailing opinion, without knowing where it comes from, and who have adopted it. No restrictions on any kind of meaningful manipulations in Norway. THE NORWAY IS BEST, ....................


#16 Re:

2012-02-10 23:29:19

#10: -

Hva fortjener de med dette????????