Help Sowaar Bar Rezone

I’m usually someone who doesn’t ask for help, but I am facing a major dilemma. As you might know I own Sowaar Bar, a music venue I started on this day 2 years ago. In that time we have played host to some of the most talented musical acts in South Africa like:


Van Pletzen

Jack Parow


Koos Kombuis




The late and great Angie Oeh

Synth Peter

Desmond And The Tutus


Valiant Swart

Anton Goosen


The Tazers

Janie Bay


Barto Swiegers

Zaan Sonnekus


Facing The Gallows


The Black Cat Bones

Tidal Waves

Tasche Burger

Laudo Liebenberg

PH Fat



(And so many more).


What transpired in February of this year was that out landlord had informed us via his lawyer that they had received a substantial fine due to illegal use of their property. In this case the bar is zoned as a place of refreshment and not a place of entertainment. Note, that per our initial proposal to rent we made no secret of the fact that we would be a live entertainment venue.


Our landlord then refused to allow us to rezone the bar (while we were willing to tenderer all costs) for reasons still unbeknownst to me. They are also holding us liable for the fine they received which is well in excess of a million Rand. The catch? For the fine to be scrapped we need to rezone the bar.


I have further spent over R100,000 on legal fees in an attempt to force our landlord to allow us to rezone, this case has since been stalled.


Since having to cease with live music, we have consistently lost about R300,000 a month. Of this R100,000 would’ve been tips for our waiters to help sustain themselves and they families, as well as numerous bar shifts. All further money was set aside to allow budget for bigger and bigger acts. I can also proudly say that I have not taken a cent from the bar myself and see it as a necessary passion project.


The issue we have is a story we’ve all heard before, a small business being absolutely nullified by  a large national corporation with seemingly no one who can assist.


I am calling on all artists, music lovers and people who are opposed to bullying in general to sign our petition and have your voices heard. Our once thriving music scene is teetering on the bring, with venues closing on a regular basis.


I want to thank you for your support in advance.


Laat dit juig!


Thomas Hill (Owner)



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