Help The Recovery of the Wye Salmon


The Wye was once one of the greatest salmon rivers in England & Wales; that is no longer the case. Our objective at Wye Salmon Association is to return it to its former pre-eminence. Success in this undertaking would produce a valuable river for owners, leaseholders and anglers alike.

Social, economic and technological changes since the 1970’s continue to have a dramatic and negative impact on the potential for Wye fisheries to recover. And, while laudable work has been undertaken in reviving river habitat: additional man-made intervention is required, to support and give any chance of large scale recovery of this river.

Recent decisions by NRW have not blunted our enthusiasm and we therefore propose a new agenda.

  • Request government agencies enable private initiative and allow us to determine recovery strategies rather than dictating them themselves

  • Adoption of a privately-led Semi-natural Release (SNR) programme

  • Adoption of a privately-led egg box release programme.

  • Continued support for proven habitat improvement projects through the Wye & Usk Foundation

Our first step is to ask you, to demonstrate support for these efforts. The support will start in the form of a petition, requesting government agencies remove restrictions on private, third party, stocking initiatives and restrict their involvement to reasonable licencing of such work.

Man-made intervention has made this mess. We are not going to fix it without your help. 

If you are worried about how NRW hatchery decisions will affect any other rivers in Wales or across the UK then please support us.


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