Immediate removal of prime minister jacinda adern and her cabinet

We argue her ability or lack of to protect the people of New Zealand rights,freedoms and liberties under the Human rights Act 1948 ,Bill of rights Act 1990 and the numerberg code 1947. Thus resulting in a loss of faith within the New Zealand people to continue leading this country lawfully.

We the people acknowledge the mandates unlawful and unforcable as they go against the basic human right to movement within our own country and the right to work in our respective, qualified careers and discriminates a selection of people for a medical choice that we are free to choose.

Prime minister adern's actions are a act of TREASON against her own people with her decision to mandate the "vaccines" fully knowing they seriously injure and cause death aswell as opening up the international borders while the world is rife with covid is a intentional act to elimate the weak,young and infirm constituents in her care.

We implore the Governor General Dame cindy Kiro to implement and inact her special rights as the voice of her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth ll  to remove Miss adern from office as this petition speaks to the voice of the people she serves.

"To ignore the voice will not silence the noise, it only gets louder"

Failure to acknowledge the suffering of the people of New Zealand will only increase further protests and incite riots.

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