Improve the access tracks for Uruamu reserve in Lyttelton, NZ

We, the undersigned, wish to see access into Urumau Reserve improved according to the 2018 Urumau Development Plan (UDP).     

The UDP shows shared use tracks from Foster Terrace, (1.) up the existing ‘Zig-Zags’, across to the 4wd vehicle access via (2.) ‘formed track’, and logically continuing to connect with the Urumau traverse track above (3.)       

We first ask that the existing ‘formed track’ (section 2.) be formally approved and made fit for purpose.     

Improvement would then be completed with construction of (section 3.) the shared use track continuing above.  This allows visitors a more enjoyable route into the reserve at a sustainable grade and among the regenerating natives.   All users would benefit from the completion of this new entrance route.     

We ask that the board approve this staged plan and facilitate its completion in a timely manner.

Supporting Documentation can be found here:

Lyttelton Mountain Bike Club    Contact the author of the petition

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