Justice for Ruchian Kay Lawak

Ruchian.pngOn 29 September 2021, 28-year-old Ruchian Kay Lawak Scottsdene sadly lost her life due to stabbing by her her ex-boyfriend whilst in the presence of her 2-year old daughter.

Her family is traumatised by the violent manner in which she departed from this life. An entire community in mourning about yet another senseless killing. Women across South Africa are angry that we are not safe South Africa has unacceptable high levels of violence against women and children despite having a Constitution that safeguard our rights.

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a widespread problem in South Africa, impacting on almost every aspect of life. GBV, has taken a sharp increase from April this year", in the recent weeks too many women lost their lives. We will no longer accept this to be our narrative.

We demand the following:

- That the accused murderer be denied bail and that he remain behind bars for the duration of the trial.

- Law reform (a revision of current laws and flaws in the legal system to improve justice or efficiency)

- The harshest sentence possible that fits the crime.  

Women across South Africa are not safe in the land of our birth. This need to be addressed as a matter of urgency. 

Please join us at Bluedowns Court on Friday 8 October from 8h30 am.

Justice for Ruchian Kay Lawak. No Bail for the perpetrator  

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