Safety First on Greenwich Avenue


Resolution for Safety on Greenwich Avenue supporting the return of Stationary Police

Whereas Greenwich Avenue is the central destination for shopping, dining and entertainment for local, Fairfield and Westchester county residents.

Whereas customers, drivers, pedestrians, residents and our children face confusing and hazardous conditions at chaotic disorderly intersections with impeded visibility affecting their safety.

Whereas in the absence of stationary police on the Avenue crime has increased with shoplifting, burglaries, snatch/go forcing merchants to hire costly private security.

Whereas the presence of stationary police officers at interesection crossings provides a deterence for crime and creates safe and orderly traffic flow for pedestrians, cars and trucks.

Whereas Greenwich police have warned residents of growing burglaries from nationally organized "South American Theft Group" since Sept 1,2024

Resolved it is the sense of the Meeting that Greenwich Police officers be returned and stationed on Greenwich Avenue at Elm Street, Lewis Street, and Havemeyer/Arch Street intersections to direct traffic, protect pedestrians and local businesses and serve as a deterrent to crime for the betterment of our community.

By signing below I request that the Greenwich RTM pass the above sense of the meeting resolution (SOMR) supporting the return of Stationary Police to Greenwich Avenue.

We the People Seek Safety First on Greenwich Avenue    Contact the author of the petition

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