Make Masks in Optional

Make masks optional!

Healthy adults and children should not be forced - by the school district - to wear masks when the benefit of wearing a mask is highly questionable and can lead to additional health concerns.

Please SIGN this petition which asks policymakers to reverse mandatory mask mandates in the KGBSD schools

The KGBSD did a survey in July 2021. One of the questions was: "Taking into consideration CDC guidelines, would you feel comfortable with masks being optional for students" 76.2% said YES! (click on link to see survey results)

What most people didn't realize is that the KGBSD would go on to link community outbreak numbers to school masking requirements. In a community with 16,000 residents (which is the aproximate number being used by the KGBSD), if there are 26 active cases of Covid-19, masks are required in school (among other protocols that negatively impact children and families). That is just 0.16% of Ketchikan Gateway Borough residents! So even if there is NOT ONE SINGLE case of Covid-19 in a school building, masks are required.

Please SIGN this petition which asks the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District to MAKE MASKS OPTIONAL!


Protect Ketchikan's Future    Contact the author of the petition

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