Mandatory wearing of surgical mask a disproportionate and harmful measure

Honorable State Councilors,  


We are a group of citizens, workers and consumers - parents, grandparents, teachers, etc.. - very indignant about the obvious inconveniences that we and our children, grandchildren, students are experiencing as a result of the mandatory wearing of surgical masks in closed places accessible to the public, especially in schools throughout the Canton of Ticino.  

This measure was requested by the Ordine dei Medici Ticinesi (OMCT), its president Dr. med. Franco Denti, together with PD Dr. med. Mattia Lepori, deputy head of the EOC Medical Area and PD Dr. med. Christian Garzoni, Sanitary Director Clinica Luganese Moncucco with appeal of 01.07.2020 and subsequent renewal of 04.08.2020 (see Link Subsequently, this measure was accepted by the Federal Council and applied in the Canton of Ticino. This provision was approved at the urging of the Order only with about 1/3 of the favorable signatures of the registered members.  


•        Although the requirement to wear a mask has been widely applied, scientific evidence on the effectiveness of this measure against Covid-19 infection has never been provided;

•        on the other hand, we have been able to find more or less serious consequences, through direct testimony, due to the use of the mask, especially if worn for a prolonged period of time, in an enclosed environment and, even worse, during physical activity carried out indoors (even that defined as "low threshold of activation");

•        Since we have not received any indication on the possible side effects reported in the following paragraph and found as a result of wearing face masks, neither from the cantonal health authorities, nor from political institutions, nor from the media, nor from family doctors, nor from pediatricians, we have taken steps to collect as much information as possible on the subject, as per our Constitutional Right, Art. 16 "Freedom of opinion and information", to try to better understand the danger of this provision;

•        the data we collected and verified allowed us to understand how harmful this provision is to health.  


The most frequently reported side effects, especially by pupils and teachers, but also by sales clerks, caterers and drivers, are:  

•        breathing difficulties accompanied by a distinct sensation of lack of air

•        headaches, physical and mental exhaustion

•        difficulty in concentrating and drowsiness

•        nausea, vomiting, and dizziness

•        chest pains, up to, in the most serious cases, the loss of consciousness (also happened while driving a car with a consequent car accident).  


A provision requiring the wearing of a facemask is ineffective for its intended purpose and is unconstitutional for a variety of reasons that we outline in the attached documentation,   we strongly request that:  

1.      The Ordinance on Measures to Combat the COVID-19 Epidemic in the Particular Situation of June 19, 2020 (COVID-19 Ordinance Particular Situation; RS 818.101.26), with the revisions decided by the Federal Council on October 18, 2020 concerning in particular the obligation to wear a mask in closed places accessible to the public is INVALIDATED before this provision causes further traffic accidents (already happened in Ticino) serious damage to health or, even worse, deaths;  

2.      you, the health authorities and the competent political forces are responsible for the civil and criminal liability for cases of loss of health and / or contraction of disease, attributable, even after years, to the use of masks imposed by you;  

3.      Inform the entire Swiss population about the serious risks of wearing a mask and its ineffectiveness in preventing viral infections;  

4.      urge people who have experienced the typical symptoms described above, due to the facial device, to have a checkup with their family physician to be promptly and appropriately treated;  

5.      implement a risk-benefit health strategy that specifically protects only those at high risk, while allowing all those in the lowest risk category to live their lives normally, thus avoiding unnecessary and harmful restrictive measures such as lockdowns, store, bar and restaurant closures;  

6.      imprint public health protection measures on prevention rather than repression, promoting a healthy lifestyle that limits toxic sources from food and the environment, for example by encouraging organic farming, plastic recycling instead of using the incinerator route, encouraging physical activity and social and cultural aggregation, which are inexhaustible sources of physical and mental health;  

7.      Restore a truly democratic and pluralistic communication and information, free and confrontational, giving voice also to independent doctors, psychotherapists, researchers, etc.;  

8.      show us that you are fulfilling with integrity the mandate given to you by the citizens, to protect and promote welfare in all its forms, annihilating the obvious signs that we are moving towards a health dictatorship and a regime based on fear, division and control.    


Certain of your cooperation and understanding, we bring to your attention the attachments with all the documentation we have collected in support of the request,     Awaiting for Your appreciated feedback we send you our distinguished greetings,    


Friends of the Constitution Ticino

C/o Maria Invernizzi Piccioni, Via Selva 11, 6946 Ponte Capriasca


Middle school and post-primary’s students’ Parents Group    


Green League Movement

Via degli Albrici 2, 6830 Chiasso



Attachment to open letter:


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