Demand justice from MODO global and PayerMax for the losses experienced by players!

We as LEGEND OF THE PHOENIX players feel harmed by the solution and actions of MODO GLOBAL and PayerMax on December 25, 2024!

Officially, we as players do Top Up on the official WEBSITE through a link included either via email or the official Facebook page or a link from the Company which is with payment that has been approved by MODO GLOBAL and PayerMax automatically arranged by their system.

But on December 26, 2024, forcibly and without prior notification. MODO GLOBAL and PayerMax unilaterally refund funds at 09.00 WIB. Since 11:50 WIB we have been forced to receive an email from the in-game stating that we are requesting a refund and it has been successfully done with our consent which is not from us also this has never happened and is purely unilateral from MODO GLOBAL and PayerMax that forced us to agree to do the refund request, this continues until 17.00 WIB while we are negotiating with customer service and email which is only replied with the same template without resolving the matter. Since 18.00 MODO GLOBAL started sending compensation unilaterally after forcibly taking and even freezing/banned/muted some player accounts again by forcing us to accept compensation without further details and explanations.

We as players ask for justice as follows:

1. The frozen/banned/muted account is opened and returned to the state before the transaction occurred on December 25, 2024.

2. Asking MODO GLOBAL and PayerMax to return the withdrawn funds unilaterally and automatically if there is an extra charge or asking for full payment in funds on December 26, 2024 without the player's consent.

3. Asking MODO GLOBAL to return the player's account to the state before the transaction occurred without any additional fees.

4. Asking MODO GLOBAL to make compensation equivalent to the losses suffered by the players from December 25, 2024 to December 26, 2024.

5. Asking MODO GLOBAL and PayerMax to make an announcement and apology regarding the above matters so that no player will be harmed again in the future.

I am here as one of the players feeling very harmed and scared by the unprofessional settlement by MODO GLOBAL and PayerMax, asking and begging my friends to sign the petition and spread this petition so that we the harmed players get justice we deserve. 

Here i also include evidence and videos that support my statement above:



The video above is a prove of everything is automatically done by system what we can do is only agree or authorized by insert the pin or fingerprint (as the application requirements)

The picture below is the chronology that happened to me and many player that scammed by MODO GLOBAL and PayerMax on December 25,2024 until December 26,2024.


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